Kathy Klotz - Executive Director

Kathy Klotz (with Tristan & Skye)

Co-Executive Director

I joined ITA as a volunteer right at its inception in 1993, and was a Pet Partner with my Australian Shepherd, Foster, for eight years until he died in 2002. (I regret that despite six other dogs and eight cats in my household since that time, none of them has wanted to be anything but my personal therapist.) I became Assistant Director in 1996 and Executive Director in 1997. After 25 years in academic (UCLA) and corporate environments, where I worked mostly in public opinion research, I had finally found what I wanted to be when I grew up. Putting people and animals together, for the happiness and healing of both, is among the most joyful and rewarding “work” on earth.

Kathy Burns

Karen Burns (with Riley)

Co-Executive Director

I joined ITA in 1996 and volunteered with my pet partner Maggie, a Harlequin Great Dane, for eight years in a variety of settings. We enjoyed working with kids at a residential treatment center, visiting brain-injured clients at a group home, and going to hospitals and assisted living facilities. The R.E.A.D. program was a great way for Maggie, as a senior dog, to keep on volunteering in one of my favorite settings. I began working for ITA in 1999, leaving the corporate environment for the rewarding world of animal-assisted interactions. Since Maggie died in 2004, I have enjoyed partnering with a Dutch Bunny named Clair and our Miniature Dachshund, Chloe. What fun I had going from large to little! This is Riley, who I’m hoping to convert from personal therapist to ITA partner one day soon. My free time is spent —mainly outdoors—running, hiking, skiing and biking.

Melissa Byrd - Administrative Assistant

Melissa Byrd (with Oliver, the ITA Office Cat)

Administrative Services

I have always loved animals and, though I didn’t fully understand it until I came to ITA, it’s because of the love they give so willingly to anyone who will accept it. Being able to witness the great works and small victories that our amazing volunteers and programs and their clients achieve on a daily basis never ceases to send chills up my spine and bring tears to my eyes. I have been lucky enough to be on the staff of ITA since 1996, and feel sincerely privileged to work for the organization and with my fellow staff members. I have had many beloved pets but, as we say in the office, they only enjoyed being my personal therapist and wouldn’t have enjoyed being in the AAI settings. Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m not big on group gatherings, but I do enjoy speaking with people individually and assisting when I can. I also like to cross-country ski, hike and spend time with my family.

Beth Ott (with August)

National/International ITA Affiliates & R.E.A.D. Program Coordinator

My life got even better when our dog, August, joined our family a few years ago. My family of four humans (myself, husband, two children), five chickens, one bird, and many fish is a loud, bustling, and dynamic household. August immediately began teaching us all patience, reminding us of the importance of balancing playtime with rest time, sharing boundless joy with each of us, and is a great reminder to us to trust each other.  I am thrilled to join my new found passion for animals with my respect for and love of the therapeutic process. My introduction to Intermountain Therapy Animals came years ago when working with various ITA teams on the receiving end of their services in my prior positions as a recreational therapist and teacher. In my role as ITA’s Volunteer Coordinator, I am honored to support relationships, the human/animal connection, and the joy, growth and hope that transpires as a result of these magical interactions. When I am not at work, you will find me swimming, gardening, camping, reading, and trying to keep up with my energetic family!

Tera and Ellie

Tera-Nicolo Smith (with Ellie)

Volunteer Coordinator

If you have ever met me, you know I love dogs. I just can’t stop talking about them! When my friends and family heard I started a new job at Intermountain Therapy Animals, they all thought it was perfect for me. Although I studied Chemistry at the University of Utah, I have been working as a project manager for the past eight years. I have since earned a master’s in business administration from Westminster University and a master’s in nonprofit administration from Louisianan State University. I have volunteered with animal welfare organizations like the Humane Society of Utah, Best Friends Animal Society, and the ASPCA since 2018. I am excited to be working with ITA and turning my passion for animals and people into a career. When I am not working, I am hanging out with my husband and basset hound (Ellie), reading, crafting, taking some sort of class, or binge-watching reality TV.

Brett Beasley

Brett Beasley (with Rachael, Jinx & Jagger)

Utah County Coordinator

Rachael and I joined ITA in 2003 with our Newfoundland, Jaro, a decision which began a life-altering association with ITA for Rachael and me that has lasted nearly two decades. Jaro served until his retirement on his 10th birthday. A second Newf puppy, Jett, joined our clan in 2005, and he began his 9-year tenure with ITA. Both of our older boys have now crossed the rainbow bridge, but while they served with ITA they created a legacy of animal therapy service that continues today with our two current Newf boys, Jagger, and Jinx. I have been privileged to serve as the Utah County Program Coordinator since 2004, which allows me help our new teams establish themselves in animal-assisted therapy work. I also serve as an ITA Team Evaluator, which allows me to see both halves of potential ITA teams working together. Our goal is to help our ITA teams find success with whatever clientele they serve in the community, inspired by the human-animal bond. Rachael and I love the quality time we are able to spend giving back to the community through our service with ITA. And the chance to spend enjoyable time with our boys, as they make their rounds, is more rewarding than we could have ever hoped for.

Nancy Dodd

Nancy Dodd (with Yuki)

Bozeman Montana Coordinator

I joined ITA in Montana in 2002, and am now volunteering with my 4th and 5th therapy dogs, Samoyeds Yuki and Jessie. Over the years I have volunteered at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, dementia care facilities, the library with the R.E.A.D. program, and the last few years mostly at Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital, visiting the Cancer Center, some offices, and patient rooms. My dogs love to visit, and Jessie starts crying as soon as I approach the hospital in the car, whining all the way to the door. In 2006 I joined HOPE Animal Assisted Crisis Response with one of my therapy dogs, and we have worked on local, state, and regional deployments, offering comfort to those affected by crises and disasters. It has been a rewarding experience. I became an ITA team evaluator some years ago and also started helping Nancy Rosen with presenting workshops. In 2011 I retired from a Management Faculty position at Montana State University, and have been keeping busy with ITA, HOPE, running, yoga, reading, and grooming my dogs. I know I cannot fit into Nancy Rosen’s shoes (my feet are twice as large as hers!) but I will do my best to keep our wonderful ITA members in Montana active and happy.