If you are a R.E.A.D. Member and forgot your password, please email: read@therapyanimals.org to retrieve it. In the email please be sure to include your first and last name.
This Area Is For R.E.A.D. Members Only
This Area Is For R.E.A.D. Members Only
If you are a R.E.A.D. Member and forgot your password, please email: read@therapyanimals.org to retrieve it. In the email please be sure to include your first and last name.
To Place an order for R.E.A.D.® clothing items you must be a R.E.A.D.® member.
Please click: R.E.A.D.® Clothing Store.
After you enter your password a link to the store will be available.
If you are a volunteer with an animal, or a facility with people in need, our team of volunteers and animals would like to hear from you.