If you are an ITA Affiliate Member and have forgotten your password, please email info@therapyanimals.org to retrieve it. In the email please be sure to include both your first and last name.

Please see the bottom of this page for current membership forms.


Hand In Paw

Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Contact: Margaret Stinnett
Website: www.handinpaw.org
Emails: info@handinpaw.org or
margaret@handinpaw.org or
Phone: 205-322-5144
Facebook: @handinpawal
We visit hospitals, schools, community organizations and participate in the R.E.A.D. Program.


Mutts On A Mission

Location: Western Valley area of Phoenix, AZ
Contact: Bob Weber, President
Email: info.muttsonamission@gmail.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1976, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Website: www.muttsonamission.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wearemuttsonamission
Contact us for information about places we visit.


Therapy Animals Of Redding

Location: Redding, California
Contact: Donna Conrad, Director
Email: donnaconrad@shasta.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TherapyAnimalsOfReddingCA/
Facebook: @TherapyAnimalsOfRedding
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries. We also visit health clinics.


Cold Noses, Warm Hearts

Location: Coventry, Connecticut
Contacts: Terrie Carpenter or Tammy Warren
Mailing Address: 925 Swamp Rd., Coventry, CT 06238
Email: cnwhterrie3@charter.net or thumper519@msn.com
Phone: 860-208-7639 (Terrie) or (774) 230-2874 (Tammy)
Website: www.coldnosesnwarmhearts.org
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries. We also visit hospitals, nursing homes, adult and child daycare, assisted livings/memory care facilities, and other events around the community.

Tails Of Joy, Inc.®

Location: Avon, Connecticut
Contacts: Rebecca Caldwell, President
Email: president@tailsofjoy.org
Mailing Address: 1131-0 Tolland Turnpike, Suite 146, Manchester, CT 06042
Phone: 860-646-2460
Website: www.tailsofjoy.org
Facebook: Visit us at Facebook
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries, we visit rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes, hospitals, group homes, college campuses, and veteran’s homes.


Dog Harmony

Primary Contact: Nancy Bown, (ITA Instructor and Evaluator)
Phone: (850) 376-4190
Website: www.dog-harmony.org
Email: hello@dog-harmony.org

Therapy Patient Connections (TPC)

Primary Contact: Merilee Kelley, Director
Phone: (615) 319-3090
Website: www.TherapyPatientConnections.org
Email: Info@TherapyPatientConnections.org or

TPC in Central Florida

Sheila Roberts (ITA Instructor and Evaluator)
Email: info@TherapyPatientConnections.org


Therapy Patient Connections (TPC)

Primary Contact: Merilee Kelley, Director
Phone: (615) 319-3090
Website: www.TherapyPatientConnections.org
Email: Info@TherapyPatientConnections.org or
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries, hospice care facilities, children’s hospitals, universities, and assisted livings.

New York

New York Therapy Animals, Inc.

Location: New York, New York
Contact: Nancy George-Michalson, Executive Director, ITA Instructor, and R.E.A.D. Instructor/Coordinator
E-mail: Nancy@NewYorkTherapyAnimals.org
Website: www.NewYorkTherapyAnimals.org

ITA Workshop
Therapy Dog Training Class Series
Continuing Education Classes

Hospitals, Assisted living, Day Centers, Shelters

Children’s Programs,  Ronald McDonald House-NY
Alzheimer’s Association,  NYC Family Justice Centers
Schools and Libraries for R.E.A.D.®
Wellness Visits:  Offices, Universities, Schools
Humane Education Presentations, Community Events

Therapy Dogs Of Rockland

Location: New City, New York
Contact: Candace Robinson or George Berger
Candace: crobin137@icloud.com
George: georgepb37@gmail.com
Website: www.therapy-dogs-of-rockland.com
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries, hospitals, mental health and rehabilitation facilities, assisted livings, school stress-relief events, and various community activities.


Mid South Therapy Dogs and Friends

Location: Germantown, Tennessee
Contact: Mary Ehrhart, Executive Director; Debb Taylor, R.E.A.D. Coordinator
Email: info@midsouththerapydogs.org
Phone: 901-336-0351
Mailing Address: 2095 Exeter Rd, Suite 80-105, Germantown, TN 38138
Website: www.midsouththerapydogs.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/midsouththerapydogs
We visit local hospitals, acute care facilities, assisted living and extended care facilities, hospice patients, memory care centers, rehabilitation centers, and behavioral health facilities. We also participate in R.E.A.D. at schools and libraries, college stress-relief events, and camps.

Therapy Patient Connections (TPC)

Primary Contact: Merilee Kelley, Director
Phone: (615) 319-3090
Website: www.TherapyPatientConnections.org
Email: Info@TherapyPatientConnections.org or
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries, hospice care facilities, children’s hospitals, universities, and assisted livings.


Pets With A Mission

Location: The Woodlands, Texas
Email: info@petswithamission.org
Website: www.petswithamission.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 132471, The Woodlands, TX 77393
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Pets-With-A-Mission
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries. We also visit hospitals, care centers for seniors and children, and memory care facilities.

Southeast Texas Paws 4 Love

Location: Kountze, Texas
Contact: Niesy Bevilacqua, President
Email: muttstraining@gmail.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1244, Kountze, TX 77625
We participate in the R.E.A.D. Program at local schools and libraries. We also visit hospitals, assisted living and extended care facilities, hospice patients, and participate in community events.

North Texas Therapy Animals

Location: Garland, Texas
Contact: Teri Holamon
Email: tholamon@mac.com
Contact us for information about places we visit.


Badgerland Animal Reading and Comfort Companions (B.A.R.C.C.), Inc.®

Location: Dodge County, Wisconsin
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 83, Mayville, WI 53050
Website: www.barccwi.org
We visit schools for R.E.A.D., extended care facilities, hospitals, hospice, correctional facilities, and college campuses. We also participate in safety fairs and give presentations about dog safety.

Best Paw Therapy Animals

Location: Waukesha County, Wisconsin
Contact: Lisa Schmick
Website: https;//www.bestpawforward.net
Email: bestpaw@att.net
We visit nursing and rehabilitation facilities, hospice care facilities, assisted livings, adult and child behavioral facilities,women’s shelters, and hospitals (in the ER, patient rooms, and physical therapy).

Dogs of Endearment

Location: Southeast Wisconsin
Contact: Dave Jouppi
Email: jug1@comcast.net
We visit schools and libraries for R.E.A.D., extended care and assisted living facilities, the veterans home, cancer treatment centers, and at-risk youth centers. We also participate in college stress-relief events, boys and girls club events, and events that support children with autism.

If you are an ITA Affiliate Member and forgot your password, please email info@therapyanimals.org to retrieve it. In the email please be sure to include your first and last name.

To Place an order for ITA clothing items you must be an ITA Affiliate member.
Please click: ITA Affiliate Clothing Store.
After you enter your password a link to the store will be available.
Simply click on it or cut and paste it into your browser for access.