R.E.A.D. Newsletters
The R.E.A.D. newsletters publication addresses a wide variety of topics of interest to R.E.A.D. teams to help enhance their R.E.A.D. experience. The newsletter is a benefit of R.E.A.D. membership and the current password is needed to access each document.
Please email read@therapyanimals.org if you have questions about the password or downloading the documents. Happy R.E.A.D.ing!
2025 Issues
READ ON 10-1 – 1.25 Why Dogs Are So Healing For Kids
READ ON 10-2 – 2.25 R.E.A.D. Members who are Authors
2024 Issues
READ ON 9-1 – Reading Levels Continue to Fail
READ ON 9-2 – “Mine eyes have seen the glory of reading on paper!”
READ ON 9-4 – Empty Classrooms
READ ON 9-5 – 5.24 Latest Additions to the R.E.A.D. Network
READ ON 9-6 – 7.24 Minimal Thinking Required This Month
READ ON 9-7 – 10.24 Cool Books to Explore
READ ON 9-8 – 11.24 More Cool Books to Explore
2023 Issues
READ ON 8.1 New Year ~ R.E.A.D. is Thriving
READ ON 8.2 R.E.A.D. is Coming Back Around the World
READ ON 8.3 11 Facts About Literacy in America
READ ON 8.4 In Memory of William Kinney – Experiences from R.E.A.D. Handlers & Book Suggestions
READ ON 8.5 A Bouquet of Information for Spring
READ ON 8.6 Delightful Local Reports
READ ON 8.7 Letter Dog Treats Inspired by R.E.A.D.
READ ON 8.8 Mixed-Results Research Summary
2022 Issues
READ ON 7.1 Creativity, Hope, and Resilience Are Alive and Well
READ ON 7.2 Some Valentines for R.E.A.D.
READ ON 7.4 The Subject of READING is Always Pertinent
READ ON 7.5 “Striving”, Not “Struggling”… A Worthy Addition to “Our Words Matter”
READ ON 7.6 The Struggles – and the Success – Keep on Coming
READ ON 7.7 The Problem with “May I Pet Your Dog?”
READ ON 7.8 A Summer Potpourri
READ ON 7.9 Does a Completely Hypoallergenic Dog Exist?
READ ON 7.10 Student R.E.A.D. Thesis!
READ ON 7.11 Maggi Payne
READ ON 7.12 Ending the Year on a Softer Note
2021 Issues
READ ON! 6.1 Two Major News Items for R.E.A.D. Leaders
READ ON! 6.2 Ne People, New Season of Hope, New Books!
READ ON! 6.3 Creating and Evaluating Program Variations
READ ON! 6.4 Polishing Up Our Listening Skills
READ ON! 6.5 Notes from the Field
READ ON! 6.6 Children’s Books that Teach Kids to Love Animals
READ ON! 6.7 Important Issues in this Issue
READ ON! 6.8 “A Reader’s Best Friend: The Many Benefits of Reading with Animals”
2020 Issues
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.1 Trauma and R.E.A.D.ing
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.2 Appropriate Use of Social Media
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.3 Essay/Gift for Spring
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.4 Staying Connected with Your R.E.A.D.ers
R.E.A.D .ON! 5.5 Intrinsic Motivation as a Catalyst for Reading Comprehension
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.6 Fluency: The Power of Poetry Over and Over
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.7 Helping Your Partner Adapt to a World of Masked People
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.8 Have Fun Reading Out Loud
Supplement: Can You — or should you — Do Virtual Visits with Your R.E.A.D. ® Dog?
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.9 Why Is R.E.A.D. So Committed to Handler Participation?
R.E.A.D. ON! 5.10 Keeping It Simple for Reading Success
2019 Issues
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.1 When A Partner Dies
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.2 Supporting Children Affected by Trauma.pdf
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.3 Favorite Book Choices of R.E.A.D. Teams.pdf
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.4 Report on the IAHAIO Triennial Conference.pdf
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.5 Annie E. Casey Foundation: A Helping Hand for Children.pdf
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.6 Custom Stickers and Bookmarks
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.7 What Might R.E.A.D. Do for Gifted Children?
R.E.A.D. ON! 4.8 Santa and Grinch
2018 Issues
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.1 Fun
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.2 Some Little-known Truths About Reading Aloud
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.3 The Insidious Summer Slide
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.4 Concepts of Print
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.5 Learning To Speak Dog
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.6 Using Imagery To Develop Vocabulary
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.7 Listening
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.8 Test Scores
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.9 Gender Bias
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.10 Alternative Settings Part 1
R.E.A.D. ON! 3.11 Alternate Settings Part 2
2017 Issues
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.1 School Parent Volunteers
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.2 The Better Way To Praise
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.3 Book Review: Decoding Your Dog
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.4 Tracking Student Progress
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.5 Book Finders
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.6 Stages of Literacy
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.7 Grammar and Punctuation Revisited
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.8 Your R.E.A.D. Kit
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.9 Helping Struggling Readers Build Automaticity
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.10 Emerging Readers
R.E.A.D. ON! 2.11 Marking 18 Years of R.E.A.D.
2016 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D 7.1 READ To Be R.E.A.D.
R.E.A.D. ON! 1.1 Summer R.E.A.D.ing
R.E.A.D. ON! 1.2 Is It Time To Retire?
R.E.A.D. ON! 1.3 Books, Books, Books! Fun Dog Stories
R.E.A.D. ON! 1.4 Books, Books, Books! New, Unusual Books
R.E.A.D. ON! 1.5 Using A R.E.A.D. Journal
R.E.A.D. ON! 1.6 R.E.A.D.ing With Kids With Selective Mutism
2015 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.1 Getting Started in a School Library
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.2 Flexibility in Library Programs
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.3 Kindness on the R.E.A.D. Blanket
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.4 When a READ Dog Dies
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.5 Do You Really Need a School Agreement
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.6 Teaming with Your Therapy Dog
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.7 Therapy Dog Bill of Rights
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.8 Keep It Safe, Fun, Effective
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.9 The Value of Tricks for A R.E.A.D. Team
Weekly R.E.A.D. 6.10 Building Reading Stamina
2014 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.1 Celebrating R.E.A.D.s Fifteenth Anniversary Year
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.2 More Valuable Advice from Experienced R.E.A.D. Teams
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.3 What Makes a Great R.E.A.D. Picture?
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.4 Ideas for R.E.A.D.ing with Pre-Readers
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.5 Therapy Dogs Today 2nd Edition
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.6 Treats
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.7 You Can Encourage Acceptance with Your Choice of Books
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.8 What makes it R.E.A.D.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.9 Make Praise Specific
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.10 TTouch and Your Therapy Team Session
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.11 Being on the Same Level
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.12 R.E.A.D. and Nature Deficit Disorder
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.13 Unexpected Benefits of Being a R.E.A.D. Team
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.14 Finding Books Struggling Readers Can and Want To Read
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.15 Igniting A Passion for Reading
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.16 R.E.A.D. Around the World
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.17 Why Are the Dogs Here?
R.E.A.D.’s 15th Anniversary
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.18 Lifelong Power of Words
Weekly R.E.A.D. 5.19 Sounds While READing
2013 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.1 Succeeding at R.E.A.D.ing
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.2 “Arranging Your R.E.A.D. Environment”
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.3 Successful R.E.A.D.ing Programs at School *
*The attachments that accompany Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.3 are available on the R.E.A.D. Forum.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.4 Data is Four Letter Word *
*The attachments that accompany Weekly R.E.A.D.4.4 are available on the R.E.A.D. Forum.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.5 Selecting Books for R.E.A.D.ing
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.6 Succesful R.E.A.D. Programs in the Library
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.7 Take Your Dog to Work
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.8 How Public Libraries are Cherished
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.9 Stages of Reading Development
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.10 Summer Reading Setback
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.11 Smarter Kids Eat Breakfast
Weekly R.E.A.D. 4.12 Naked Dogs are Best
2012 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.1 Designing a R.E.A.D. Program in School
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.2 R.E.A.D. Dogs Poetry in Motion
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.3 R.E.A.D. First: Paid Position at Rio Rancho
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.4 Does Your Dog REALLY Want to R.E.A.D.?
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.5 R.E.A.D. and eBooks
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.6 R.E.A.D.ers with Learning Disabilities
Weekly R.E.A.D. 3.7 Taking a Picture Walk while R.E.A.D.ing
Weekly READ Vol 3 Issue 8.pdf What are your Children R.E.A.D.ing?
Weekly READ Vol 3 Issue 9.pdf Surveying R.E.A.D.ers’ Attitudes
READ 13th Anniversary Issue.pdf Happy 13th Anniversary to the R.E.A.D. program
Weekly READ Vol 3 Issue 10.pdf Dr. Suess Gets It!
2011 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.1 R.E.A.D.ing with the Visually Impaired
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.2 Valuable Advice from Experienced R.E.A.D. Teams
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.3 A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.4 2010-11 Results from Tales of Joy R.E.A.D. Program
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.5 R.E.A.D.ing with Riddles
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.6 The Praise Paradox
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.7 R.E.A.D. Teams in the News
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.8 Martha Speaks Shows Impressive Impact
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.9 Why R.E.A.D. Targets K-3 Readers
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.10 Why You Should Read Children’s Books as an Adult
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.11 Change Your Language, Change Your World
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.12 R.E.A.D.ing at Royal Palm School
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.13 Celebrating R.E.A.D.s Twelfth Anniversary
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.14 Celebrating Our First R.E.A.D. Team in the United Kingdom
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.15 Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Children’s Book
Weekly R.E.A.D. 2.16 Finding Just Right Books
2010 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.48 Spotlight on Reading Education Assistance Cats
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.49 Willow’s Presentations and Skittle’s Song
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.50 What a Year
2009 Issues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.1 R.E.A.D. Dogs Decrease Fidgets and Hit a Home Run
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.2 Gaining Knowledge of the Various Pieces of the Learning Process
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.3 Reminders and Ideas to Help Ensure a Positive R.E.A.D.ing Experience
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.4 Given the Choice Students Would Rather Read to Dogs
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.5 Focusing Questions on the Animal Instead of Pressuring the Child
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.6 Childhood Success Now Helps a New Generation of Children
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.7 Considerations for Conducting a R.E.A.D. Event
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.8 R.E.A.D. Play an Important Role in Building a Solid Reading Foundation
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.9 The virtue of Patience and Perseverance Plays Out in R.E.A.D. Sessions
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.10 Autism: One Child’s Experience with R.E.A.D.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.11 Big Dogs Provide Big Help
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.12 Start Planning for Your Summer R.E.A.D.ing Activities Now
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.13 How One Dog Adjusts Her Spots for Her R.E.A.D.ers
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.14 R.E.A.D. Teams Help in School Accreditation and on Testing Days
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.15 Make Your R.E.A.D. Presentations More Effective
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.16 R.E.A.D. Program Lauded in New York Magazine
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.17 Minnesota Librarians Talk about R.E.A.D.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.18 R.E.A.D. Is All Over the World Wide Web
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.19 R.E.A.D. Is All About Quality Not Quantity
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.20 Summertime and the R.E.A.D.ing is Easy
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.21 Dogs on Call
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.22 R.E.A.D.ers Beyond Dogs
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.23 Choosing a Theme for a Selection of Books Adds Interest & Fun
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.24 R.E.A.D. with a Twist
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.25 Beanie Babies Help R.E.A.D.ers with Strategies
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.26 Rabbits Hop To It With R.E.A.D.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.27 Encouraging a R.E.A.D.er’s Intrinsic Motivation
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.28 Tales of Joy
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.29 And the winners are… Books About Animals
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.30 R.E.A.D. and Katz Categories of Learning
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.31 It’s About More than R.E.A.D.ing
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.32 Reading in English & Lectura en Espanol
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.33 What if a Reader Refused to R.E.A.D.?
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.34 Tricky Dogs Can Enhance the R.E.A.D. Experience
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.35 Choosing a Good R.E.A.D. Book
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.36 R.E.A.D.ing from a Teenager’s Point of View
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.37 Lights, Camera, and Action You are in the News
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.38 Addressing the Allergy Question
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.39 And, This is Why We R.E.A.D.
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.40 The Pioneer R.E.A.D. Teams Where are They Now?
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.41 Punctuation Provides Impact in R.E.A.D. Sessions
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.42 Reading for all the right reasons
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.43 All Ears at the Bookstores
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.44 Being Your R.E.A.D. Partner’s Advocate
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.45 Ensuring One-on-One in the Library
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.46 R.E.A.D.ing Cues
Weekly R.E.A.D. 1.47 Never Underestimate Your Ability to Make a Difference