This Area Is For R.E.A.D. Teams Only
If you are a R.E.A.D. team and forgot your password, please email: to retrieve it. In the email please be sure to include your first and last name and your R.E.A.D. ID number.
If you are a R.E.A.D. team and forgot your password, please email: to retrieve it. In the email please be sure to include your first and last name and your R.E.A.D. ID number.
For ALL of our R.E.A.D. Member resources (including articles, forms, coloring pages, bookmark templates, and MORE) go to our shared Google Drive! Once you have entered the password, you can bookmark the page and never have to use the password again. CLICK HERE
Participation Certificate for R.E.A.D.ers
R.E.A.D. Bookmark Template
R.E.A.D. Business Cards
Frequent Reader Card School
Shhh Sign 1
Shhh Sign 2
Shhh Sign 3
Shhh Sign 4
R.E.A.D. Thank You Card 1
R.E.A.D. Thank You Card 2
R.E.A.D. Thank You Card 3
For more templates, please email to gain access to our shared Google Drive!